Our industry reports utilize primary market research, which enables us to provide our customers with novel data on topics that, until now, were only attainable through custom research.
For our custom research services, we leverage years of industry experience and a global proprietary Health Panel of over 3,000 healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals to provide our customers with endless innovative possibilities.
What makes ISR different?
We understand that you’re looking for confidence in your market research. With ISR, you’ll consistently receive…
Focused Domain Expertise
We’ve operated in pharmaceuticals for over 15 years and because it’s our sole focus, our domain expertise brings value to the work that “generalist” researchers can’t deliver.
Genuine Research Expertise
Our market research experience has developed over 20 years in many dynamic industries. We capture appropriate sample sizes, given the research objectives, and we use appropriately sophisticated statistics to uncover everything that’s real and give you confidence in your decisions.
If you’re like many, you’ve been disappointed more than once by research providers who fail to live up to their promises, providing you with their “professional judgment” in place of sound data and suspect contacts instead of real decision makers. We deliver the opinions, attitudes, and recommendations of industry experts – and we’ll prove it by sharing detailed demographics in our reports.
Insights from our research