CRO Quality Benchmarking – Phase IV Service Providers (8th edition)
$5,400.00 – $10,800.00
Licensing Options
A Single-User License allows access to an individual user.
An Enterprise-Wide License allows access to all employees and sites within an organization.
Report Overview
ISR’s “CRO Quality Benchmarking – Phase IV Service Providers” report provides pharmaceutical sponsors and service providers a Consumer Reports-style analysis of CRO quality. Respondents supplied performance ratings based on their own experiences with 44 Phase IV CROs, making this report the most comprehensive assessment of CRO service quality in the industry. Now in its 8th year, this report has become a crucial tool for sponsors looking to select a Phase IV CRO and for service providers seeking an experience-based evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses.
How you can use this report:
Study Sponsors:
- Make a more informed purchase of Phase IV services by understanding which service providers best fit your company’s needs
- Broaden your Phase IV CRO evaluation list by accessing peer-based service quality ratings across 26 critical attributes
- Pinpoint potential delivery concerns early in a sponsor-CRO relationship/ evaluation in order to develop proactive strategies to address potential gaps
Clinical Service Providers:
- Uncover your own — and competitor — delivery strengths and weaknesses
- Design messaging to tout your company’s strengths
- Compete more effectively by understanding buyers’ selection criteria and outsourcing trends
Report Contents:
1. Service Provider Selection
- Preferred Provider Agreements
- Selecting CROs: The Influence of Preferred Provider Agreements on Attribute Importance
2. Service Provider Perceptions and Interactions
- Phase IV Leadership, Familiarity and Use
- Service Provider Preference
- Service Provider Preference Differences by Size
- Cost Experience by Users
- Service Provider Cost Perceptions
- Summary Table
3. Service Provider Performance and Loyalty
- CRO Performance: Budget Factors
- CRO Performance: Delivery Factors
- CRO Performance: Organizational Factors
- CRO Performance: Staff Characteristics
- CRO Performance: Timelines Management
- Customer Loyalty
- Segment Selection Rubrics and CROs to Short List
4. Service Provider Service Quality Profiles
5. All Study Data