CRO Quality Benchmarking – Phase II/III Service Providers (8th edition)
$5,400.00 – $10,800.00
Licensing Options
A Single-User License allows access to an individual user.
An Enterprise-Wide License allows access to all employees and sites within an organization.
Report Overview
ISR’s “CRO Quality Benchmarking – Phase II/III Service Providers” report provides pharmaceutical sponsors and service providers a Consumer Reports-style analysis of CRO quality. Respondents supplied performance ratings based on their own experiences with 44 Phase II/III CROs, making this report the most comprehensive assessment of CRO service quality in the industry. Now in its 8th year, this report has become a crucial tool for sponsors looking to select a Phase II/III CRO and for service providers seeking an experience-based evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses.
How you can use this report:
Study Sponsors:
- Make a more informed purchase of Phase II/III services by understanding which service providers best fit your company’s needs
- Broaden your Phase II/III CRO evaluation list by accessing peer-based service quality ratings across 26 critical attributes
- Pinpoint potential delivery concerns early in a sponsor-CRO relationship/ evaluation in order to develop proactive strategies to address potential gaps
Clinical Service Providers:
- Uncover your own — and competitor — delivery strengths and weaknesses
- Design messaging to tout your company’s strengths
- Compete more effectively by understanding buyers’ selection criteria and outsourcing trends
Report Contents:
1. Service Provider Selection
- Preferred Provider Agreements
- Selecting CROs: The Influence of Preferred Provider Agreements on Attribute Importance
2. Service Provider Perceptions and Interactions
- Phase II/III Leadership, Familiarity and Use
- Service Provider Preference
- Service Provider Preference Differences by Size
- Cost Experience by Users
- Service Provider Cost Perceptions
- Summary Table
3. Service Provider Performance and Loyalty
- CRO Performance: Budget Factors
- CRO Performance: Delivery Factors
- CRO Performance: Organizational Factors
- CRO Performance: Staff Characteristics
- CRO Performance: Timelines Management
- Customer Loyalty
- Segment Selection Rubrics and CROs to Short List
4. Service Provider Service Quality Profiles
5. All Study Data