This e-book steps through several major questions that drug developers should consider when building strategic outsourcing relationships including:
In-house Experience and Capacity – Identify outsourcing drivers:
It might be cost- or time-savings or access to technologies, skills, scientific expertise, or capacity; there are many reasons for a drug developer to hire a CDMO. There is usually more than one motivation for engaging a CDMO, and most companies use a combination of outsourcing approaches to accomplish all of their manufacturing needs.
Outsourcing Relationships – Choose the right outsourcing model(s):
There are three main categories for the many ways outsourcing relationships are contracted: tactical or transactional relationships, preferred provider agreements, and strategic relationships.
CDMO Decision-Making Process – Establish a decision-making process and CDMO selection criteria:
The various approaches to the CDMO decision-making process fall into three main categories: group consensus, group scoring analysis, and executive decision.