The current state of cell and gene development is akin to the United States’ Wild West of the 1800s, thankfully with more decorum and regulation. Some of the larger companies are well funded and are ex-ploring the uncharted wilderness of bringing these therapies to market, shouldering both the burden and the glory that comes with their efforts. Other small and emerging biopharmas are equipped enough to set out on their own adventure, but it comes with higher stakes, and they must over-come similar struggles to their larger competitors with fewer resources. Regardless of size or investment, companies can only be successful in their cell and gene projects if they have access to good data to inform their strategic decisions.
These therapies hold immense promise but demand meticulous attention and focused expertise. We’re not Lewis and Clark, but Industry Standard Research (ISR Reports) can certainly support your company with its cell and gene expeditions. Our primary market research captures reliable and novel data from verified biopharma professionals who have outsourced manufacturing experience. These data serve to inform the industry of the latest outsourcing philosophies and practices with regard to cell and gene therapy manufacturing, and this eBook is a brief compendium of our market outlook research into this space.
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