Cell & Gene Therapies Manufacturing Market Outlook (2nd Edition)


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Report Overview

The newness of cell and/or gene therapies as part of the modern medicine’s armamentarium means there are a lot of unknowns and unexplored territory. These unknowns also translate to the biopharma companies that are developing the therapies. Industry Standard Research’s Cell & Gene Therapies Manufacturing Market Outlook report is designed to provide some support and direction for innovator companies with cell and/or gene therapies in their pipeline or portfolios as well as to CDMOs that are looking to win their manufacturing business or enter the space.

This report provides an overview of the current market dynamics and outlook of the cell & gene therapies contract manufacturing space in addition to a projection of what our survey respondents—all outsourcing decision-makers for cell or gene therapies at sponsor organizations—predict the marketplace will look like in 2028. Key statistics include the volume of cell therapies and gene therapies in sponsors’ pipelines, the corresponding manufacturing activities that will be outsourced, the average outsourcing expenditure on cell and/or gene therapies, and the number of CDMOs required to complete the work. Understanding these dynamics can help both innovators and contract manufacturers better evaluate their position in the marketplace, understand current challenges, and get insight into the areas where they should focus future efforts and investments.


What you will learn

Therapy Innovators:

  • Learn about peer organization’s outsourcing needs across cell and gene therapy types both now and in the future to better understand the market and potential opportunities
  • Gain insight into the top five challenges fellow innovators have encountered while outsourcing cell and/or gene therapies in order to avoid potential setbacks
  • Understand and plan for the most difficult parts of outsourcing cell and/or gene therapies according to industry peers
  • Ascertain the criteria used by peers to scientifically and strategically evaluate contract manufacturers for their cell and/or gene outsourcing needs



  • Identify and understand current needs as well as upcoming changes in demand for outsourced activities and services in order to meet customers’ current and future needs
  • Compare how well your company’s offerings match up with innovators’ needs by understanding the top CDMO selection drivers, metrics that influence sponsor satisfaction, and the reasons CDMOs lose bids
  • Discover the top challenges experienced by sponsors who outsource cell and/or gene therapies to better position your company’s solutions and marketing efforts
  • Learn from innovators where they believe CDMOs should focus their future efforts and investments to meet the rapidly evolving needs of the cell and/or gene therapies markets


Major Topics:

  • Market Dynamics
  • Outsourcing Preferences and Practices
  • Service Provider Selection
  • Cell & Gene Outsourcing Challenges
  • Study Data


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