South Korea: Clinical Development Country Profile


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Report Overview

In this report, ISR provides insight into the clinical development environment, sponsor and service provider activities, and population “health status” for South Korea.

Why should South Korea be a part of your development plan?

  • South Korea has seen rapid growth in the number of clinical trials performed from 33 in 2000 to 439 in 2010
  • IMS is calling for a 6.5% CAGR in drug spending through 2015
  • Recent fair trade agreements between the US and South Korea could mean more trade and better IP protection
  • South Korea has one of the most advanced telecommunications infrastructures in the world with 95% of the population having internet access


What you will learn:

  • How population characteristics, qualified investigators, and government policies and incentives make South Korea the 8th most active and most valuable country for clinical trial activity
  • On-the-ground insights from numerous high-level R&D employees in sponsor organizations and country heads from multinational CROs
  • Health statistics in Korea, including disease incidence and prevalence, use of imaging technologies, and use of medicines in major therapy areas
  • Compiled lists and contact details for pharma companies, service providers, and ### principal investigators in South Korea


How you can use this report:

  • Understand how sponsors and CROs view South Korea as a site for clinical trials, understand logistical details for conducting South Korean trials, and illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of conducting trials in South Korea
  • View into how South Korea compares to other countries on a variety of scales so the reader can best consider the areas in which South Korea may be beneficial as a trial site for their particular company


Report Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Industry Interviews
  3. Korea Health Statistics
  4. Healthcare Technology and Medication Use
  5. Service Provider Capabilities
  6. Domestic Clinical Service Providers
  7. Domestic Non-Clinical Service Providers
  8. Domestic Service Provider Contact Summary
  9. International CRO List and Contact Details
  10. Domestic Pharma Company List and R&D Expenditure
  11. International Pharma Company List and Locations
  12. Clinical Investigator List and Contact Details


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